Self-Harvesting Beehive


Bees are dying off at an alarming rate, and without them, we won’t be able to enjoy many of the tasty fruits and vegetables we love today. Plus, all the pretty flowers would die off. I know because I’ve seen Bee Movie. We’ve got to save the bees!

Of course, we humans aren’t usually apt to do much to help others—people or otherwise—unless there’s something in it for us. Luckily, the Flow Bee Hive makes it possible to save the bees AND get something sweet in return… literally.

This custom-build cedar wood beehive was designed to allow for easy harvesting of natural-produced honey without harming or relocating bees in the process. Hooray for nature!

Product features (via

  • Flow Super (Western Red Cedar)
  • Brood box (Western Red Cedar) with 8 x standard (foundationless) frames
  • 6 x Flow Frames & honey collecting tubes, 1x Flow Key
  • Base with screened bottom board, Roof, Inner Cover, Queen Excluder
  • Printed Flow manual. Does not contain bees!

OMG Gimme!