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Portable Monitor

Portable Monitor


The more we stare at our smartphones to escape the monotony of human life, the worse our eyes get. The worse our eyes get, the bigger the screen we'll need to stare at to continue to escape the monotony of human life. Thing is, no one wants to carry around a giant monitor, and foldable smartphone aren't quite ...

Tetris Alarm Clock

Tetris Alarm Clock


Tetris. Just hearing that word brings you back to your childhood, doesn't it? Ask any 90s kid to hum the Tetris theme song and there is a good chance she could do it without hesitation. Imagine how good your day would be if you could wake up to that iconic tune every morning? Well, I've got some good news for you, Mr. ...

Fidget Controller

Fidget Controller


You heard it here first, folks. Fidget spinners are out and fidget video game controllers are in. Now you can combine the two things you love most in life: video games and hyperactivity. Take control of your ADHD and practice your cheat codes at the same time! Fidget spinners had a good run but their time has come ...

$5.99 GIMME!
Gaming Massage Chair

Gaming Massage Chair


If you're a serious gamer, you know that it's more than just a hobby; it's a mindset. It requires absolute focus, and achieving that focus requires mental and physical preparation. You can't use just any old remote control—you need your remote control to be at your best. And you can't just sit on any random chair—you ...

$109.99 $139.99 GIMME!
Wearable Sound System

Wearable Sound System


Whatever happened to the trend of having massive subwoofers installed in cars? I feel like no one does that anymore. Maybe it's because we all started realizing that, while those bass vibrations felt cool, it made the music sound like shit. But now, thanks to modern technology, you can have the best of both world with ...

$29.75 GIMME!
Miniature Arcade Cabinet

Miniature Arcade Cabinet


Someone in the world at some recent point in time must have said to him or herself, "I wish there existed a miniature, translucent, functional, classic arcade-style cabinet that you could buy but would have to put together in order for it to work." And thus, an idea was born. Past meets future with the Tiny Arcade ...

$24.99 GIMME!
Best price
Gaming Glasses

Gaming Glasses


Remember when you were little and your mom told you not to stand too close to the TV? Those days are over thanks to the J+S Vision Blue Light Shield Gaming Glasses! These stylish spectacles filter out 90% of high-energy blue light emitted from TVs and computer monitors which can be damaging to your eyesight over time. ...

$15.99 GIMME!
Editor's choice
Nintendo GameBoy Refrigerator Magnets

Nintendo GameBoy Refrigerator Magnets


Escape back to your childhood every time you look at your fridge with refrigerator magnets by FreezerBoy shaped like the screen and buttons from the classic Nintendo GameBoy. The magnets can also be used with dry erase markers so you can jot down your grocery list, favorite GameBoy games or even your feelings about ...

OMG Gimme!