Gifts for Men
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Sick Ass Slingshot

Sick Ass Slingshot


People overlook slingshots as an effective personal protection weapon. First of all, just imagine the look on the perpetrator's face when you show up with this Rochan Professional Hunting Sling Shot in hand. It'll be enough to put the fear of god in him, or at least catch him off guard. In a pinch, as you're ...

$55.99 $67.90 GIMME!
Pocket Samurai Keychain Knife

Pocket Samurai Keychain Knife


So you've decided to become a samurai warrior, eh? Slow your horses, tough guy. No need to go out and buy some expensive weaponry and armor. Baby steps. Start small with this Pocket Samurai Keychain Knife. Just because it's little doesn't meet it isn't tactical. First of all, it's super sharp. Like, you could ...

Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk

Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk


I had a crazy dream the other night. Without getting too deep into the details, the world was coming to and end and it was every man for himself. Now, I'm not the kind of person to look at dreams as signs, but I will say that I am a big believer that it's better to be prepared than to have your brains eaten by a ...

Men’s Tactical Kilt

Men’s Tactical Kilt


There's something incredibly macho about a dude in a kilt. It's not the fact that he's wearing a skirt for men, but rather that he has the confidence to wear it in the first place. Throw in some fire-breathing bagpipes and you've got yourself a role model for macho men everywhere. Ok, so we've established that ...

Simple Steak Button Thermometer

Simple Steak Button Thermometer


I don't give a damn what the temperature of my meat is. I can never remember which temperature corresponds with what level of doneness anyway. 130 degrees, 165 degrees, 212 degrees... who the hell knows? All I want is a perfectly cooked steak and I don't want to have to do any weird touch tests to figure out when it's ...

$9.30 GIMME!
Wild West Cologne

Wild West Cologne


Men, we've gone too far with the grooming. Beards are meant to be left untamed, chest hair is meant to be left intact, eyebrows are meant to be left unplucked and men are meant to smell like men. Let's get back to that. While you're busy ungrooming yourself, let's focus on how you smell for a moment. First of all, ...

$18.00 GIMME!
Beer Bong Syringe

Beer Bong Syringe


I came across the Bierstick Beer Bong Syringe recently and I have some thoughts. But first, a rant. We live an increasingly boring, politically correct world. Everyone claims to be offended by everything when, in reality, people just can't handle having others disagree with them. And you know what else? We need to ...

$34.99 GIMME!
Mystery Gift Box For Him

Mystery Gift Box For Him


So, there are these things called blind boxes and they're all the rage with kids these days. Blind boxes are basically just little mystery packages, each one containing a small toy, usually from a popular toy brand, cartoon or game like Shopkins or Minecraft. In order to find out what kind of toy you got, you have to ...

$11.50 GIMME!
Da Vinci Catapult Kit

Da Vinci Catapult Kit


If you have the luxury of working in an office setting that allows for occasional shenanigans, you may be running out of pranks to pull on your fellow officemates. You've already removed dozens of batteries from computer mouses, hidden countless staplers in printer paper trays, covered multiple monitors in sticky ...

$19.95 GIMME!
Fan Pick
Coolest Cooler

Coolest Cooler


Your favorite movie is Top Gun. You DJ at all of your kid's high school dances. You wear plaid shorts and bottle-opening flip-flops. If you read that first paragraph and are slowly nodding your head in agreement, you're the perfect candidate to be the next proud owner of the Coolest Cooler. This thing literally ...

$13.99 GIMME!
Compact Multi-Tool Card

Compact Multi-Tool Card


We've got cards for just about everything these days. We've got credit cards, playing cards and ID cards. Social security cards exist so the government can keep track of you. Man cards, while technically nonexistent, are owned by macho bros and are often taken away by fellow bros for failing to perform feats of ...

$6.95 GIMME!
Craft Beer Brewing Appliance

Craft Beer Brewing Appliance


You love beer and you always thought it would be cool to be able to brew your own. You've daydreamed about how impressed your friends would be if you could serve them a tasty craft beer that you made. But home brewing is hard and you much rather prefer simplicity—not to be confused with laziness—which is what the Pico ...

$19.99 GIMME!
OMG Gimme!