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Tungsten Sphere

Tungsten Sphere


You have balls of steel, you say? Isn't that cute. Fun fact: tungsten is five times harder than steel. It's also way more valuable. So, the next time someone tries to brag about their steel cajones, simply point them in the direction of your five-pound, 2.5-inch diameter tungsten sphere (preferably, you'd have two ...

$799.98 GIMME!
Taco Sleeping Bag

Taco Sleeping Bag


If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that tacos are awesome No sane, rational person has ever turned down a taco. No one has ever been in a bad mood after eating a taco. Tacos transcend all nationalities, cultures and religions. If T.A.C.O.S. was an acronym, it would stand for Tacos Always Cut Out ...

$27.99 GIMME!
40-pound Tungsten Cube

40-pound Tungsten Cube


Chances are you've got a nice big stimulus check coming your way soon. Why not stimulate the economy by spending it on something that can provide you with endless enjoyment and wonder? Meet, The 4" Tungsten Cube. Weighing in at over 40 pounds (41.62lbs/18.88kg, to be exact), this heavy hexahedron is lofty ...

$3,999.98 GIMME!
Gold Champagne Gun

Gold Champagne Gun


Everybody down! Janie's got a gun! Lol, j/k. The only projectile this gun will be firing is good, clean, bubbly fun. Introducing the Champagne Gun, the coolest way to serve your favorite bubbly beverage. Capable of spraying champagne—or, let's be real, sparking wine—up to 23 feet for up to 45 seconds, this ...

$549.00 GIMME!
Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk

Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk


I had a crazy dream the other night. Without getting too deep into the details, the world was coming to and end and it was every man for himself. Now, I'm not the kind of person to look at dreams as signs, but I will say that I am a big believer that it's better to be prepared than to have your brains eaten by a ...

Portable Potty Poncho

Portable Potty Poncho


Whenever I walk my dog, he just has to pee on every bush we walk by. As awkward as it can be to look my neighbor in the eyes as my dog relieves himself on their freshly pruned bushes, I'm secretly jealous of that little mutt. If only it were socially acceptable to pee wherever—and on whatever—I wanted without the risk ...

Bug Assault Gun

Bug Assault Gun


When I was a kid, I used to kill ants with a magnifying glass. I mean, I didn't do it all the time, but I would dabble on occasion. I'm not proud of it, but what's done is done. Now, my mom says I turned out OK, but that's not always the case for kids that exhibit this type of behavior. All I'm saying is, if Little ...

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Coin Purse

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Coin Purse


It's Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Coin Purse time! Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Coin Purse time! Alright, I'll admit that doesn't have the same ring to it as the original, but it doesn't matter because it's a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Coin Purse by DCI Yummy which is freakin' awesome! But is this ...

$7.50 GIMME!
Keyboard Waffle Iron

Keyboard Waffle Iron


Waffles are delicious regardless of their form factor. Therefore, this Keyboard Waffle Iron serves no real practical purpose other than providing temporary and mild amusement for anyone to whom a waffle prepared in this keyboard-shaped mold is served. "Is that a keyboard-shaped waffle? Neat." And on with life you ...

$5.29 $5.98 GIMME!
55 Gallon Drum of Lube

55 Gallon Drum of Lube


You might be asking yourself, "What would I possibly need a 55 gallon drum of Passion Lubes water-based lubricant for?" My response to you is, "The possibilities are endless!" Let's put aside the obvious applications and avoid the low hanging fruit in the joke department, and instead focus on all the other cool stuff ...

$689.00 GIMME!
OMG Gimme!