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Lightsaber Chopsticks

Lightsaber Chopsticks


According to the interwebs, chopsticks have been used as far back as 1200 B.C., and since then, not much has changed in the world of pointy stick utensils ... until now! Introducing the Palillos Chop Sabers Light Up Lightsabers. When the force is on your side, you'll never have to worry about dropping that sushi ...

$19.97 GIMME!
Wireless Charger with Drink Warmer/Cooler

Wireless Charger with Drink Warmer/Cooler


Once upon a time as a young lad, I was enjoying a refreshing ice cold cola product when my grandpappy, known for not having much of a filter, began scolding me for being spoiled. "Back in my day, beverages were enjoyed at whatever temperature the room was! I drank lukewarm milk for 30 years before my lips touched ...

$129.99 GIMME!
Nugget Ice Maker

Nugget Ice Maker


Ice is just ice, right? WRONG! There are many forms of beverage ice from which to choose. You have the traditional ice tray ice which is arguably the worst form. It's big, hard, takes too long to shrink, and is not an optimal option for sucking or chewing (yes, we're still talking about ice here). Then there's ...

Automatic Pot Stirrer

Automatic Pot Stirrer


Do you find yourself spending hours in front of the stove stirring the family dinner to the point of forearm failure? If so, you need the StirMATE Smart Pot Stirrer. Simply attach it to the side of any pot, flip a switch, and this automatic stew stirrer will do all the work for you. Think of all the social media ...

$76.65 GIMME!
Taco Sleeping Bag

Taco Sleeping Bag


If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that tacos are awesome No sane, rational person has ever turned down a taco. No one has ever been in a bad mood after eating a taco. Tacos transcend all nationalities, cultures and religions. If T.A.C.O.S. was an acronym, it would stand for Tacos Always Cut Out ...

$27.99 GIMME!
Doomsday Survival Kit

Doomsday Survival Kit


The world is warmer than ever, wildfires are raging, hurricanes are destroying cities, political tensions are high—the list goes on and on. Needless to say, now seems like a great time to prepare for the impending end-of-days. Are you prepared for a natural disaster or nuclear fallout? Could you survive if ...

Gold Champagne Gun

Gold Champagne Gun


Everybody down! Janie's got a gun! Lol, j/k. The only projectile this gun will be firing is good, clean, bubbly fun. Introducing the Champagne Gun, the coolest way to serve your favorite bubbly beverage. Capable of spraying champagne—or, let's be real, sparking wine—up to 23 feet for up to 45 seconds, this ...

$549.00 GIMME!
Wine-Dispensing Purse

Wine-Dispensing Purse


Life is hard. Being a responsible adult requires persistence and will power. You've got to be able to wake up every day and do a bunch of things you don't want to do just to keep your belly full and the lights on. If you manage to pull those things off and still have time to spare in your day, you deserve a reward. ...

Portable Pizza Slice Necklace

Portable Pizza Slice Necklace


Have you ever stopped to think about how many life moments would be 1,000% more enjoyable if pizza were involved? Stuck in traffic? Pizza. Boring work meeting? Pizza. Working out? Pizza. Eating pizza? More pizza. There's literally no life scenario that pizza can't make better, which is why it makes sense to have ...

$6.99 GIMME!
Middle Finger Coffee Mug

Middle Finger Coffee Mug


A traditional coffee mug is arguably the best gift. It's not too expensive, it's useful and it's hard to have too many good coffee mugs. And now, thanks to this Thumbs Up! Up Yours Coffe Mug, it's even the perfect gift to give to that special someone that you just can't stand. Someone at the office giving you bad ...

Spiral Spaghetti Fork

Spiral Spaghetti Fork


There's nothing inherently difficult about eating spaghetti, but it can be messy, and that's a problem worth fixing. The simplest inventions are always the best, and it doesn't get simpler than this Spiral Spaghetti Fork. Just insert the business end of the fork vertically into your pile of spaghetti, grasp the ...

Star Wars TIE Fighter Gas Grill

Star Wars TIE Fighter Gas Grill


I'm not good at clever Star Wars puns, so let's just cut to the case. This is a gas grill shaped like a TIE fighter from Star Wars. You can hook it up to a propane tank and cook stuff on it like you would a normal gas grill, because what would be the point otherwise? It's got a Star Wars logo on the cooking ...

OMG Gimme!