Beer Bong Syringe


I came across the Bierstick Beer Bong Syringe recently and I have some thoughts. But first, a rant.

We live an increasingly boring, politically correct world. Everyone claims to be offended by everything when, in reality, people just can’t handle having others disagree with them. And you know what else? We need to stop enabling people to believe that they deserve everything in the world just because they exist. No more participation trophies, I say!


Now, back to the Bierstick. I like this thing because it just is… what it is. In other words, this beer bong syringe was designed for binge drinking and it doesn’t try to hide it.

That’s pretty refreshing if you think about it. It doesn’t try to hide behind some fake, diplomatic name like “funneled beverage consumption device” or some other PC nonsense. It calls it like it is. It’s a beer bong syringe made specifically for the purpose of consuming beer faster, and if you don’t like it, you can get the hell out!

Sorry. It’s been a rough day.

Product features (via

  • Crafted from high-quality materials
  • Small enough to fit in a backpack
  • Friction-fit mouthpiece allows for easy filling
  • Easy to clean
  • Fits 24oz of your favorite beverage

OMG Gimme!