Umbrella Dog Leash


Confession time. I love my dog as much as my fellow animal lover, but there’s a special place in the loony bin for people who push their dogs in strollers, carry them in slings and dress them in children’s clothing. I’m not saying you shouldn’t take care of your pets, but when your dog has better hygiene and a bigger wardrobe than you, chances are you need to get your priorities straight.

Now, to be honest, when I first saw this LESYPET Pet Umbrella with Leash, I immediately lumped this contraption in with dog strollers and handbags, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized its genius.

It does look quite hoity-toity, I’ll admit, but imagine you’re out and about with your pup and it starts to rain. Without an umbrella, your dog would instantly turn into a freshly-soaked mop with legs. And you can kiss your clean carpet and furniture goodbye once you get home because that dog is heading straight for the couch to roll around and shake itself dry. If only you had that pretentious umbrella leash to keep your dog free from the rain!

Look, I’m not saying you should use this thing all the time, but it definitely couldn’t hurt to have it handy when the weather forecast looks iffy. Just sayin’.

Product features (via

  • The umbrella has new logo upon it, much more attractive.Built-in leash hook which is 8″, 29″ Diameter while opening and 26″ for the handle length umbrella
  • Great design, easy to handle.
  • It fits your dog which is less than 12 lbs 19″ length Puppy (yorkie/Peddy/Pomeranian/Poodle)
  • Perfect for your pets that don’t like going out in the rain or snow weather
  • Made in USA,Suggest FBA(Fulfillment By Amazon), it will delivered in 1-3 days; 30 days guarantee

OMG Gimme!