Portable Pizza Slice Necklace

Portable Pizza Slice Necklace


Have you ever stopped to think about how many life moments would be 1,000% more enjoyable if pizza were involved? Stuck in traffic? Pizza. Boring work meeting? Pizza. Working out? Pizza. Eating pizza? More pizza. There's literally no life scenario that pizza can't make better, which is why it makes sense to have ...

$6.99 GIMME!
Hard Boiled Egg Cooker

Hard Boiled Egg Cooker


Eggs. They're probably the most nutritious, convenient and inexpensive food on the planet. You can poach them, fry them, scramble them and so on. But, arguably the most difficult egg cooking method is hard boiling. For starters, a quick internet search yields at least a dozen different methods of hard boiling. They ...

$7.88 GIMME!
Pancake Printer

Pancake Printer


If you've watched the Food Channel at all in recent years, you may have noticed that we've run out of things to cook. That's right, we've cooked all the things. Now it's all about cooking things into new and intriguing shapes. Food art—or at least that's what I'm calling it—is big business these days. Want a cake in ...

$19.76 $20.96 GIMME!
Keyboard Waffle Iron

Keyboard Waffle Iron


Waffles are delicious regardless of their form factor. Therefore, this Keyboard Waffle Iron serves no real practical purpose other than providing temporary and mild amusement for anyone to whom a waffle prepared in this keyboard-shaped mold is served. "Is that a keyboard-shaped waffle? Neat." And on with life you ...

$5.29 $5.98 GIMME!
Bacon Express Crispy Bacon Grill

Bacon Express Crispy Bacon Grill


Everyone love bacon, but it can be a pain to cook. You could use a frying pan but you'll likely get scolding hot grease in your eye. You could bake it but you'll have to wait what feels like hours for the oven to preheat. What if there was a way to cook up to six strips of bacon in minutes without the mess? ...

$19.99 $24.99 GIMME!
OMG Gimme!