Solar Eclipse Glasses


When I was little, I used to think all adults were intelligent and rational. As I grew older, I began to realize that, in fact, most adults have no idea what they’re talking about. (Not you though. You’re super smart.)

Case in point, there were a lot of “alternative facts” I was told as a child by grown-ups relating to my eyes.

Don’t stand too close to the TV. Don’t cross your eyes for too long or they’ll stay that way. Don’t stare at the sun or you’ll go blind.

Turns out, these are all 100% false. Don’t stand close to the TV? We all stare at our phones from a foot away for hours each day. Don’t cross your eyes? I’ve never met anyone who developed a lazy eye from making silly faces. Don’t stare at the sun? Um, hello… Solar Eclipse Glasses.

FUN FACT: The next solar eclipse is coming up on August 21, 2017, and despite whatever your mom told you as a kid, you go right ahead and stare directly at the sun for as long as you like, as long as you’re wearing one of these solar ray-rejecting shades.

Product features (via

  • Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses – 5 Pack
  • A ThinkGeek exclusive design
  • Safely view the upcoming solar eclipse
  • The date “8/21/17” printed across the front, so you remember when the eclipse is coming
  • Backside is pre-printed with warnings and instructions
  • Each pack comes with 5 pairs of viewing glasses
  • 2 mil scratch resistant polymer (black/silver) lenses
  • Filter out 100% of harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays and 99.999% of intense visible light
  • Create the sharpest solar images with a natural orange color
  • Optical density of 5 or greater
  • ISO 12312-2 compliant
  • CE certified

OMG Gimme!