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Sick Ass Slingshot

Sick Ass Slingshot


People overlook slingshots as an effective personal protection weapon. First of all, just imagine the look on the perpetrator's face when you show up with this Rochan Professional Hunting Sling Shot in hand. It'll be enough to put the fear of god in him, or at least catch him off guard. In a pinch, as you're ...

$62.00 $67.90 GIMME!
Doomsday Survival Kit

Doomsday Survival Kit


The world is warmer than ever, wildfires are raging, hurricanes are destroying cities, political tensions are high—the list goes on and on. Needless to say, now seems like a great time to prepare for the impending end-of-days. Are you prepared for a natural disaster or nuclear fallout? Could you survive if ...

Inflatable Sloth Pool Float

Inflatable Sloth Pool Float


Life. For many of us, it's fast-paced and stressful, yet we rarely take the time to slow down and recharge. Sure, you could rejuvenate with a relaxing day at the pool, but if you really want to maximize your self-care siesta, there's one accessory you simply cannot live without: an Inflatable Sloth Pool Float. If ...

Backpack with Rain Hood

Backpack with Rain Hood


Consider this scenario: You're walking along, minding your own business when BAM... rainstorm!  To make matters worse, the weatherman never said anything about rain that morning so you don't have an umbrella in that backpack of yours. Now you're wet and pissed off. Now consider this scenario: You're walking ...

Stand Up Hydrofoil Board

Stand Up Hydrofoil Board


You need a Slingshot. No, I'm not talking about this sweet hunting slingshot. I'm also not referring to those gnarly 3-wheeled reverse tricycles. I'm talking about the SLINGSHOT Wakefoiler. Of course, there are some necessary prerequisites for owning this awesome hydrofoil water accessory. For starters, you need ...

Transparent Kayak

Transparent Kayak


This transparent kayak by Crystal Explorer is a great way to explore the underwater world below you. It's also a great way for creatures of the underwater world to explore you, so just be mindful of that. It may not be the best idea to dress like a distressed seal when using it, in other words. Also, you may want ...

$1,999.00 GIMME!
Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk

Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk


I had a crazy dream the other night. Without getting too deep into the details, the world was coming to and end and it was every man for himself. Now, I'm not the kind of person to look at dreams as signs, but I will say that I am a big believer that it's better to be prepared than to have your brains eaten by a ...

Editor's choice
DJI Spark Drone

DJI Spark Drone


When I was a kid, I could spend hours playing with those parachute army men. That was the closest I'd ever get to having a toy that could fly. As I got older, those remote controlled helicopters became popular. You know, those little choppers made out of styrofoam that never really went where you wanted them to go ...

$429.00 GIMME!
Fan Pick
Coolest Cooler

Coolest Cooler


Your favorite movie is Top Gun. You DJ at all of your kid's high school dances. You wear plaid shorts and bottle-opening flip-flops. If you read that first paragraph and are slowly nodding your head in agreement, you're the perfect candidate to be the next proud owner of the Coolest Cooler. This thing literally ...

$25.99 GIMME!
Sportmans Medical Kit

Sportmans Medical Kit


You're an outdoorsman and an adventurist. You know what it's like to put your life on the line for the thrill of surviving out in the wild. You make your own fire. You poop in the woods and wipe with leaves. And occasionally, you hurt yourself. Now, you're not one to let a little owie hold you back, but sometimes, ...

$7.48 GIMME!
Floating Water Trampoline

Floating Water Trampoline


It's hard these days to entice kids to get off their electronics and go play outside. Back in the day, if you got invited to go swim at your friends house or jump on an oversized trampoline, you'd be so overwhelmed with joy that you couldn't stop talking about the experience for a week. Nowadays, a lone swimming pool ...

$359.99 $519.99 GIMME!
Virtual Reality Drone

Virtual Reality Drone


Remember that award-winning R. Kelly song, I believe I can Fly? That song was released back in 1996, well before the GhostDrone 2.0 - Virtual Reality Edition existed, and luckily so. Otherwise, there'd be a good change that the hit song would sound very different. It might have been titled something like, "I can ...

$89.99 GIMME!
OMG Gimme!