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Simple Steak Button Thermometer

Simple Steak Button Thermometer


I don't give a damn what the temperature of my meat is. I can never remember which temperature corresponds with what level of doneness anyway. 130 degrees, 165 degrees, 212 degrees... who the hell knows? All I want is a perfectly cooked steak and I don't want to have to do any weird touch tests to figure out when it's ...

$9.30 GIMME!
Giant Box of Fortune Cookies

Giant Box of Fortune Cookies


If you're like me, you never get a fortune from a fortune cookie that you're actually excited about. Most of the time, the fortunes aren't even fortunes. I don't know how many times I've opened up a fortune cookie to read some anti-climactic message like, "be kind to others," or "appreciate your own uniqueness." I ...

$41.39 GIMME!
Cold Drip Coffee Tower

Cold Drip Coffee Tower


They say that dudes who drive big trucks are just compensating for their small honkers (pun intended). Don't shoot the messenger here. Flashy cars, crazy driving, huge rims... these are all examples of people who are insecure about themselves in some way. Or so they say. Again, I'm just a messenger. In fact, ...

$479.00 GIMME!
Beer Bong Syringe

Beer Bong Syringe


I came across the Bierstick Beer Bong Syringe recently and I have some thoughts. But first, a rant. We live an increasingly boring, politically correct world. Everyone claims to be offended by everything when, in reality, people just can't handle having others disagree with them. And you know what else? We need to ...

$34.99 GIMME!
Guitar Case Lunch Box

Guitar Case Lunch Box


When you're in a band, music is life. You cannot simply take a break from musicality. It must follow you wherever you go. It must be in your heart and soul at all times. But unless you're the lead singer of , you probably have responsibilities to take care of outside of the studio and stage. Maybe you work. Maybe ...

$13.99 GIMME!
Death Star Herb Grinder

Death Star Herb Grinder


You could put a Star Wars spin on just about any product in the world and no one would question it. Want a Star Wars themed popcorn maker? Yes, please. How about a Star Wars Self-Stirring Mug? Absolutely. So why couldn't a Death Star Herb Grinder be a thing? Oh, wait... it totally is. Made with zinc alloy and ...

Shark Fin Tea Infuser

Shark Fin Tea Infuser


What do you get when you combine a shark and tea? This Shark Fin Tea Infuser. Sorry, were you expecting a joke there? Sharks are no laughing matter. Great white sharks can grow up to 21 feet in length and can weight up to 2,400 pounds. And let's not forget those 3,000 razor sharp teeth in their giant jaws capable ...

$8.99 GIMME!
Star Wars Self-Stirring Mug

Star Wars Self-Stirring Mug


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived an extra terrestrial life form that really could have used one of these Star Wars Self-Stirring Mugs. Made with quality galactic compounds and powered by harnessed sun energy, this self-stirring mug ensures a perfectly mixed cup of morning coffee or hot chocolate. ...

$14.99 $16.99 GIMME!
Floppy Disk Drink Coasters

Floppy Disk Drink Coasters


The first 3.5" floppy drives were introduced in 1984 and had a storage capacity of only 400kb. That's not a lot of space, but thanks to massive improvements in technology, we now have memory cards the size of thumbnails that can hold hundreds of gigabytes of data, making floppy disks a relic of the past. But while ...

$9.94 $11.45 GIMME!
Sushi Bazooka

Sushi Bazooka


If there are two things I love most in this world, it's sushi and Push Pops. Sushi is great because it combines so many textures and flavors into tasty bite-sized rice nuggets. And Push Pops... they're just awesome. That said, you can probably imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered the Sushi Bazooka. ...

$6.99 GIMME!
Hard Boiled Egg Cooker

Hard Boiled Egg Cooker


Eggs. They're probably the most nutritious, convenient and inexpensive food on the planet. You can poach them, fry them, scramble them and so on. But, arguably the most difficult egg cooking method is hard boiling. For starters, a quick internet search yields at least a dozen different methods of hard boiling. They ...

$7.88 GIMME!
Fan Pick
Coolest Cooler

Coolest Cooler


Your favorite movie is Top Gun. You DJ at all of your kid's high school dances. You wear plaid shorts and bottle-opening flip-flops. If you read that first paragraph and are slowly nodding your head in agreement, you're the perfect candidate to be the next proud owner of the Coolest Cooler. This thing literally ...

$25.99 GIMME!
OMG Gimme!