Donald Trump Toilet Paper


The jury is still out on Donald Trump. Just kidding, everyone hates him, LOL. Now, I’m not here to get into a political debate about why Trump sucks as a president—I’ll save that for Twitter—but I would like to provide a solution for those of you who might be thinking to yourself, “how can I express my distaste for Trump without being added to some kind of FBI watchlist?”

Before we get to that, let’s cover what you shouldn’t do. Any form of violence or vandalism is out of the question because it’s wrong and you’re better than that. Picketing requires an awful lot of effort and doesn’t really accomplish much. You could put a “Trump Sucks” bumper sticker on your car but you definitely don’t want to piss off a Trump supporter. Just sayin’.

So what could possibly be left for you to do that doesn’t hurt anyone yet still allows you to get that political chip off your shoulder? Donald Trump Toilet Paper, that’s what. Show Trump you’re not going to put up with his shit by making him clean up yours and give new meaning to your morning constitutional. Because ‘Murica!

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OMG Gimme!